2021 Venture Sporttrek ST320VIK.
Come with every option you can get. It has brand good year endurance tires, a solar panel system, upgraded shower head with curved shower curtains, upgraded tile in kitchen and extreme weather package. Has Level Mate PRO installed already.It has two ac units that run on 50-amp service. Will come with all the accessories such as
wheel chokes, hoses, etc. Comes with the weight distribution hitch. Hitch is an Equalizer E4 setup ($800). It also comes with a Watch dog power surge protector ($400) along with an extra one also. It has memory foam mattress topper for the queen bed and the bunk beds. Also has queen blow up mattress still in box never been used for sofa foldout. Can deliver or even help set up hitch on your vehicle if needed. Asking $36,500