It's universally acknowledged that in arithmetic, 2+2 will always equal 4. This steadfast rule should be at the forefront of every RV park investor's mind because, in the world of real estate investing, bending mathematical truths can lead to financial ruin. The Allure and Danger of Emotional Math There's a peculiar tendency for buyers, even the most astute, to fall into the trap of emotional math. They encounter an RV park that catches their eye, one that stirs visions of becoming the quintessential park proprietor, and suddenly the numbers start to look more malleable in their favor. Consider the auction scenario where bidders let adrenaline run the show, driving a $10,000 car's price up to the realms of the ludicrous. The truth? It's not the car they're bidding on—it's the thrill, the ownership, the win. This is where math's objectivity is crucial; it keeps the dreamer in check. Mathematics: The Deal's Unyielding Gatekeeper Imagine an RV park boasting a yearly revenue of $300,000 and operating costs at half that figure, yielding a comfortable $150,000 net. It's simple math that such figures won't sustain a $200,000 annual mortgage. The shortfall isn't just a hiccup—it's a chasm. Some investors might convince themselves they can bridge this gap with 'better management' or 'optimization.' However, often these are just code words for wishful thinking which, unfortunately, is not an accepted currency in the financial world. The consequence? A swift and stark realization that even the initial $150,000 projection was a mirage in an oasis of over-optimism. Preventing Self-Sabotage in Financial Calculations We are all human (excluding the Vulcan members of Starfleet), and to err is part of our nature. To counteract this, one must employ a methodical and dispassionate approach—rigorous due diligence. This is the process of meticulously verifying each detail, ensuring the investment stands on solid ground and not on the sands of illusion. Heed the words of Benjamin Franklin, “Diligence is the mother of good luck.” Furthermore, employ a litmus test of rationality—bank financing. Banks, with their scrutinizing processes, are the antithesis of seller financing, which can sometimes lead to perilous paths bypassing financial prudence. Even if you're initially avoiding the bank's oversight with seller financing, eventually, refinancing will bring you to their doorstep. Better to understand their perspective early on than be caught unprepared later. Steady Calculations for a Successful Investment Journey In conclusion, temper your emotions and respect the immutable laws of math. In the end, it's not just about buying an RV park but ensuring its viability well beyond the euphoria of acquisition. Let your investment journey be sustained not by the fleeting joy of a purchase but by the enduring satisfaction of a well-calculated, successful venture. By Frank Rolfe has been an active investor in RV parks for nearly two decades. As a result of his large collection of RV and mobile home parks, he has amassed a virtual reference book of knowledge on what makes for a successful RV park investment, as well as the potential pitfalls that destroy many investors.