Why am I Buying when Gas Prices are Going Through the Roof?


Aug 30, 2012
Why am I buying when gas prices are going through the roof? I am not alone. The big players in the market who buy campgrounds with over $1,000,000 in income are all buying. In fact, we can not find any really large campground that is for sale…ANYWHERE!
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How the Obama Presidency will Affect the RV Park Industry


Aug 30, 2012
Tuesday night went faster than I expected. I was used to the Bush/Gore close call match-up, so I was shocked when the race was over before I went to bed. No sooner had the race ended, and Obama become the President-elect, that I asked myself “what will this do to the RV park industry?” I was pretty happy with the conclusion I came to.
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Yosemite National Park Camping in an RV or in a Tent - A Great Destination Either Way


Aug 30, 2012
Within Yosemite National Park, RV camping opportunities abound. Whether you're camping in a tent or RV, with your family or a large group, in Yosemite Valley or the backcountry there's a place for you. There are traditional campgrounds and a variety of tent cabin options. The one constant factor is to plan ahead. Check out all of the possibilities, and then make your reservations early.
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How To Buy A Job (And A Whole Lot More) At An RV Park


Aug 30, 2012
For some reason, many people put down the concept of "buying a job" when investing in real estate. Of course, those same people don't consider spending $200,000 to get a law degree "buying a job" as an attorney. Or $400,000 to "buy a job" as a doctor. Every kid in college today is spending $40,000 to $200,000 "buying a job" for when they get out (if they can find one). So why should real estate be different?
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The Retirement Experience: Men vs. Women


Aug 30, 2012
Do men and women see things differently? At least on the topic of retirement, the answer may be yes. A recent study commissioned by Ameriprise Financial reveals that gender may play a significant role in how we feel about and prepare for this major life event.
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